Women empowering women.

Women from all corners of the EHS industry have great stories to tell. Candid, compelling, illuminating – inspirational.

This is their forum to tell them.

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Sarah Gundrum

Quality Compliance Specialist, BelmarkSarah started her career in EHS in 2017 as an Assurance Technician and Assurance Intern for Belmark, where she’s now a full-time Quality Assurance Compliance Specialist. She earned her B.S. in Environmental Science (and Spanish) from the University of Wisconsin-Green Bay, and is currently working on a Masters’ degree in Environmental Geology from the University of Kansas.

Get to Know Encamp’s Leaders in EHS

Megan Walters, CHMM

VP of Technical Program Management

Madie Newman

Director of Customer Solutions

Maisie Olson

Customer Solutions Manager