How Amazon Saves 15,000 Hours Annually on Tier 2 Reporting

About Amazon

Amazon is an online marketplace that has also expanded into various sectors, such as cloud computing, consumer electronics, and digital streaming. With its customer-obsessed approach and innovation-driven mindset, Amazon has become a dominant force in the retail industry, revolutionizing online shopping and setting new standards for customer experience.

Amazon recognized the need for transformation

Stephanie Sparkman, Amazon’s Global Environmental Governance & Systems Leader, joined Amazon in 2015 and immediately recognized the need for a comprehensive transformation in their EHS practices. The reliance on manual processes posed significant challenges, including the time and effort required for data collection and reporting.

“We knew that we needed to transform from this very manual way that we’re managing compliance into a more systematic, a data-driven compliance methodology,” Stephanie said.

Furthermore, the manual nature of Amazon’s EHS practices meant that associates had to devote a considerable amount of time to administrative tasks, taking their focus away from higher-value activities such as proactive risk mitigation and environmental stewardship.

How Amazon transformed their environmental practices and save 15000 hours every year

During its digital transformation journey, Amazon undertook several initiatives, but the most significant was adopting Encamp’s technology platform for Tier 2 reporting. This implementation of Encamp’s technology marked an important milestone in their digital transformation process.

Encamp provided Amazon with a streamlined approach to data collection and reporting, addressing and overcoming the inefficiencies and challenges they faced in the manual process. By leveraging Encamp’s platform, Amazon was able to automate data collection, validate that data, and generate accurate Tier 2 reports in a fraction of the time.

“Tier 2 does not happen at an ideal time for Amazon because if you guys can imagine Amazon’s biggest time of the year is obviously right before Christmas. We call it our peak, which starts in October,” Stephanie said. Streamlining the Tier 2 process during their business time of the year not only saved valuable time and resources but also ensured compliance with regulatory requirements.

Streamlining the Tier 2 process during their business time of the year not only saved valuable time and resources but also ensured compliance with regulatory requirements.

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