EHS: Leading Through Digital Transformation

When Robin Fleming of Anvl got together with Luke Jacobs (CEO and co-founder) and Brandon Barlow of Encamp to talk about digital transformation for EHS teams and environmental compliance, their Campfire Session was more than informative.

It was a real-world look at how digital transformation continues to change the way work gets done — including environmental compliance.

Robin is Anvl’s co-founder and CEO. She’s also an authority on digital technology and how businesses use it to more effectively collect, analyze, and apply data of all kinds. And not surprisingly, Anvl’s platform for data management mirrors the Encamp technology and its powerful combination of data management and automation for environmental compliance and reporting.

Both solutions are digital transformation at its best. Watch the video to learn why.

A Guided Environmental Compliance approach

Digital transformation is central to Encamp’s guided environmental compliance method for EHS teams and operations. As enterprises integrate digital technology into their compliance program areas, they centralize information, make data more visible, build a continuous and auditable process, and ultimately gain control over their entire compliance program. Encamp blends its high-tech software with the high-touch support of compliance experts to guide you through the move to digitization and a whole new way of managing data and reporting for environmental compliance.

Making the move

Digital technology dates back to 1970s and the Digital Revolution, with digital transformation technologies and practices ultimately taking shape around 2015. Yet for many EHS teams and environmental compliance, the digital movement is still in the adoption stage — but gaining momentum. Here are some takeaways from the Campfire Session video to lead your EHS team through digital transformation (DT):

  • Next-gen digital tools are designed primarily for front-line workers, often with their input. These tools are most effective when they compliment a process, such as real-time data collection.
  • User engagement is vital to DT success. Younger-generation users welcome digital technology (they’ve been raised in a digital world), while older workers tend to resist it (“We’ve always used spreadsheets…”)
  • The cloud is central to DT. Technologies like Encamp (and Anvl) deploy quickly via the cloud, and easily scale to multiple locations for the environmental compliance process. There’s no hardware or software to install at any facility.

Start your digital transformation journey

  • Prioritize problems to be solved, and consider “quick hit” solutions first.
  • Detail expected outcomes, for users as well as the organization.
  • Drive continuous improvement using a well-planned, measurable strategy.
  • Set a time period for digital transformation progress. 2 years? 5 years? Less?

Associated Encamp blogs

EHS Digital Transformation: The Need for New Mindsets

EHS Digital Transformation: The Tech Vendor Partnership

About Anvl

Anvl helps unlock critical data in real-time by connecting frontline workers and supervisors through a single, easy-to-use platform. The Anvl solution includes real-time data collection, in-the-moment guidance, alerts and analytics — supporting positive changes, productivity improvements, and cost and time savings.

Transforming the way enterprises stay in compliance 

Encamp is on a mission to create a world where good for business can equal good for the environment. We help enterprises transform compliance programs and human processes into a technology-driven system that lays the foundation for accurate and ongoing environmental compliance through a blended method of intelligent high-tech solutions and high-touch expert support.

Tom Bailey

Tom is the Senior Content Writer at Encamp. And like all other Encampers, he’s in tune with the environment and what happens to it. He’s been writing about creative technology solutions for longer than he cares to admit.

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Additional Environmental Compliance Resources